Celebrating over 3,000 hits! 100 Coaching Sessions for $20 each! You must be in the USA! On sale, so I can pay for my medical bills and rent while I recover from my upcoming Big C (cancer) surgery. Please Spread the word! Google http://www.Sterling-Creativity-Coach.com for more information about coaching.

I work with artist, writers, and business people who want to become more creative in their lives and in their business. Each person sets their coaching goals and we work on them together! I have helped people increase their self-esteem, so their more comfortable approaching galleries, selling their art, or approaching editors. I can help you become more productive, increase your discipline, learn how you can use your creativity in your day job, find about the different type of creative jobs there are, learn to become unblocked. We can explore what is holding you back in your career and what will help you move forward. Lets talk! Email me at Sterlingcoach@live.com and put in the heading 100 Coaching Sessions!!!

I am excited to have a new Creativity Coaching website at www.Sterling-Creativity-Coach.com Please visit me there for the next couple of weeks, while I update this blog and add new information for artists, writers, and designers. I will be back to blogging on this site soon.  


Creativity Coach

I am  wondering what it would take for you to hire a coach? What would motivated you to engage in coaching? I am wondering if you have any questions about coaching? If you are an artists, I am wondering what you need help with. If you are a writer, I am wondering what you would want from a coach? Please leave your comments below or write to terricreativity@yahoo.com

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